// Unit1.h //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Test1 { private: int m_Add; public: __fastcall Test1(int Add) { m_Add = Add; }; virtual __fastcall ~Test1() {}; int __fastcall TestFunction1(int param1); void __fastcall Test11(); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Test2 { public: __fastcall Test2() {}; virtual __fastcall ~Test2() {}; int __fastcall(__closure *TestFunction2)(int param1); void __fastcall Test22(); };
// Unit1.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int __fastcall Test1::TestFunction1(int param1) { return param1 + m_Add; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall Test1::Test11() { Test2 *test2 = new Test2(); test2->TestFunction2 = &TestFunction1; test2->Test22(); delete test2; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall Test2::Test22() { printf("Result: %d", TestFunction2(1)); }
// main.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { Test1 *test = new Test1(1); test->Test11(); delete test; getchar(); return 0; }
A few years ago I’d have to pay soomene for this information.